Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Rhizomes are here!

It's an exciting night! The Cascade Hops Rhizomes have arrived from Northern Brewer. The hops actually came from Freshops in Philomath, Oregon.

Many times plants, rhizomes, etc...will ship before you may be able to plant in your region. Remember you MUST wait until after the last possible frost. In Connecticut, I usually wait until the 2nd or 3rd week of May. There are a couple of options you have to wait out that difficult time between when you receive your Hops Rhizomes and when you can plant them.
  • If you happen to have a Greenhouse, Garden Window, etc...you could start the rhizomes and transfer them when the ground thaws.
  • The safest bet is to store the rhizomes in a plastic bag, slightly moistened and keep them in a refrigerator until you are ready to plant. (This is what I am doing)

1 comment:

Bill said...

Despite the frequent rains which have kept my ground extremely muddy and causing me to worry that my rhizomes would rot, I was excited to discover yesterday that a bunch of my crowns have finally sprouted. I currently have 10 Fuggles, 7 Centennial, and 3 Magnum. In case anyone here is interested, my Grow-Hops group currently has 1,839 members: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Grow-Hops


Bill Velek